Received the M.Sc., Ph.D., and D.Sc. (habilitation) degrees in electronics from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland, in 1973, 1978, and 1987, respectively. In 1994, he received the state title of Professor. Since 1973 he has been academic staff member at the Institute of Radioelectronics WUT, was its director in1996-2016 and again since 2019. In 1976/1977, he was a Fulbright Scholar (US) with the University of Texas at Austin, Cornell University, and COMSAT Laboratories. In 1986-87 he worked as a senior scientist at the Braunschweig Technical University (Germany).
His research interests include the areas of microwave phase modulators and shifters with semiconductor and ferrite elements, dielectric resonators and their applications, integrating waveguide technology, methods and equipment of material properties measurements, and, recently, smart antennas for communication systems. He has published over 300 technical papers, 4 books and obtained 9 patents. He has been awarded two Doctor Honoris Causa degrees and was elected as a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
He is a Consultant to industry and Polish government agencies. He was a Coordinator of many joint European projects. He was 2008 President of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technologies Society (MTT-S), IEEE Region 8 Director (2009-2010), IEEE Division IV Director (2013-2014). Since 2011 he serves as the President of the URSI Polish National Committee. He received the highest recognitions from IEEE MTT-S (Honorary Life Member) and also from European Microwave Association.
In the years 1994-2006 he was a Chair of the International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON and since 2004 he has been a Chair of the Microwave & Radar Week MRW (leading events in Central Europe). He was TPC member of leading international microwave conferences e.g. International Microwave Symposium (US), European Microwave Conference, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference as well as many local ones.