Polish National Committee URSI


Prof. Józef MODELSKI
Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Radioelectronics
15/19 Nowowiejska st., 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 825 3929; Fax: +48 22 825 7397
e-mail: jozef.modelski@pw.edu.pl

V-ce president:

Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
18A Bartycka st., 00-716 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 496 6201,
e-mail: stanis@cbk.waw.pl


Andrzej WITCZAK, Ph.D. E.E. prof. MUT.
Military University of Technology
Institute of Radioelectronics, Faculty of Electronics
2 Kaliskiego st., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 26 183 9646; Fax: +48 26 183 7461
e-mail: andrzej.witczak@wat.edu.pl

Scientific Commissions

  • COMMISSION A: Electromagnetic Metrology
    Chairman: Prof. Wojciech SKIERUCHA, Polish Academy of Sciences
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Arkadiusz LEWANDOWSKI, Warsaw University of Technology
    V-ce chairman – junior: Prof. Ilona PIEKARZ, AGH University of Science and Technology
  • COMMISSION B: Fields and Waves
    Chairman: Prof. Artur RYDOSZ, AGH University of Science and Technology
    V-ce chairman: Piotr KOWALCZYK D.Sc., Gdańsk University of Technology
    V-ce chairman – junior: Małgorzata WARECKA Ph.D., Gdańsk University of Technology
  • COMMISSION D: Electronics and Photonics
    Chairman: Prof. Janusz Andrzej ZARĘBSKI, Gdynia Maritime University
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Witold Adam PLESKACZ, Warsaw University of Technology
    V-ce chairman – junior: Patryk NOWAK vel NOWAKOWSKI M.Sc., Technical University of Lodz
  • COMMISSION E: Electromagnetic Noise and Interference
    Chairman: Prof. Piotr Mieczysław SŁOBODZIAN, Wroclaw University of Technology
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Leszek NOWOSIELSKI, Military University of Technology
    V-ce chairman – junior: mgr inż. Anna GRYTSKO, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
  • COMMISSION F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
    Chairman: Prof. Sławomir AMBROZIAK, Gdańsk University of Technology
    V-ce chairman: Artur GROMEK Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology
    V-ce chairman – junior: Lt Kacper BEDNARZ M.Sc., Military University of Technology
  • COMMISSION G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation
    Chairman: Prof. Andrzej KRANKOWSKI, University of Warmia and Mazury
    V-ce chairman: Marcin GRZESIAK Ph.D., Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    V-ce chairman – junior: Paweł HORDYNIEC Ph.D., University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw
  • COMMISSION H: Waves in Plasmas
    Chairman: Prof. Hanna Barbara ROTHKAEHL, Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Wojciech JARMOŁOWSKI, University of Warmia and Mazury
    V-ce chairman – junior: Barbara MATYJASIAK M.Sc., Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • COMMISSION J: Radio Astronomy
    Chairman: Prof. Anna BARTKIEWICZ, Nicolaus Copernicus University
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Marian SOIDA, Jagiellonian University
    V-ce chairman – junior: Aleksandra WOŁOWSKA Ph.D., University of Warmia and Mazury
  • COMMISSION K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine
    Chairman: Prof. Sławomir HAUSMAN, Lodz University of Technology
    V-ce chairman: Prof. Grzegorz TATOŃ, Jagiellonian University
    V-ce chairman – junior: Ewa ŁADA-TONDYRA Ph.D., Czestochowa University of Technology
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