Polish National URSI Committee Structure
Prof. Stefan Hahn, Warsaw University of Technology
V-ce president:
Prof. Marek Amanowicz, Military Communication Institute
Tomasz Kosiło, Ph.D, Warsaw University of Technology
Scientific Commissions
- COMMISSION A: Electromagnetic Metrology
Chairman: Karol Radecki, Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology
- COMMISSION B: Fields and Waves
Chairman: Prof. Michał Mrozowski, Gdansk University of Technolgy
- COMMISSION C: Radiocommunication Systems and Signal Processing
Chairman: Prof. Marian Piekarski, Wroclaw University of Technology
- COMMISSION D: Electronics and Photonics
Chairman: Prof. Bohdan Mroziewicz, Institute of Electron Technology
- COMMISSION E: Electromagnetic Noise and Interference
Chairman: Prof. Józef Pawelec, Technical University of Radom
- COMMISSION F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
Chairman: Wiktor Pawłowski, Ph.D., Gdansk University of Technolgy
- COMMISSION G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation
Chairman: Iwona Stanisławska, Ph.D., D.Sc., Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
- COMMISSION H: Waves in Plasmas
Chairman: Prof. Andrzej Wernik, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
- COMMISSION J: Radio Astronomy
Chairman: Prof. Stanisław Gorgolewski, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
- COMMISSION K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine
Chairman: Jolanta Karpowicz, Ph.D., Central Institue for Labour Protection